hotels in galata istanbul

The Galata Tower is one of the most recognizable symbols of Istanbul. It was built in 1348 by the Byzantine Emperor Andronicus II Palaeologus and was used as a watchtower to guard against attacks from the Genoese navy.

The Galata Tower is located in the district of Beyoglu, which is where you will find a number of hotels. One hotel that you might want to check out is Hotel Marmara Istanbul, which is located on Istiklal Street, just a few minutes away from Taksim Square and has an indoor swimming pool and spa.

The Hotels in Galata Istanbul are located in a beautiful and quiet area of Istanbul.

The hotels in Galata Istanbul are located in a beautiful and quiet area of Istanbul. This district is an old neighborhood that has been around since the Byzantine era. It is also home to a number of historical buildings, such as the Galata Tower.

The Galata Tower is a medieval stone tower in the Galata district of Istanbul, Turkey. It is one of the city’s most prominent landmarks and a symbol of its historic and cultural heritage.

The tower was built on a small hill called Ayasofya Hill (Ayasofya Tepe) by the Byzantine emperor Theodosius II in AD 413. The name Galata comes from the medieval Greek word “gala”, meaning “milk”.

The tower was built as part of an extension to the original 4th-century citadel of Constantinople, which had been damaged during an earthquake in AD 408 and then rebuilt under Theodosius II.

Galata is one of the oldest and most charming neighborhoods in Istanbul. Galata Tower, which was built by the Genoese in 1348, is located here. The neighborhood is also home to many museums and art galleries.

The Galata Tower was built by the Genoese in 1348. It has been used as a lighthouse, a prison and an observatory before becoming a museum in 1986. The tower offers spectacular views of Istanbul’s historic peninsula from its terrace on the second floor.

The neighborhood is also home to many museums and art galleries such as:

-Galatasaray Museum

-Galata Mevlevi Museum

-Istanbul Modern Art Gallery

-Pera Museum

The Galata Tower is a medieval stone tower in the Galata district of Istanbul, Turkey, just to the north of the Golden Horn. It was built in 1348 by the Genoese trader Nicolas de Nicolay and was the highest building in Istanbul at 219 meters until the construction of Bayezid II Mosque in 1509. The tower is part of what was once known as the Galata Palace (Galata Kulesi), which served as a warehouse for goods such as silk, textiles, and spice.

The first written reference to it comes from around 1454 when a Turkish traveler wrote: “The tower near Galata which they call ‘Kılıç Ali’ has been built.” This name means “Ali’s sword” but it is not clear who this “Ali” might have been.

Hotels in Galata Istanbul are located in the heart of the city. The hotel is situated at a walking distance from the famous Istiklal Street and Galata Tower. The hotel offers its guests with a variety of facilities like restaurant, bar, and meeting room.